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A specialized CRM which brings a fresh wind to the world of energy

Introduction /

The Wue web application helps businesses that are installing photovoltaic systems, heat pumps or smart homes. This project had a good start with many pleased users even before the cooperation with Utima. However the lack of focus on technical standards started to limit the business scaling. Consequently, the Wue team had chosen square one approach in order to create a more stable, sustainable and user-friendly application.

statistics /

The Project in a nutshell

Implementation period: 2023–2024

Time requirement: 625 MD

Services provided:

About client /

Wue Technologies s.r.o.

Wue provides a fast and automated solution for generating PV and HP quotations. It will make your team's work more efficient and you will get a detailed overview of the performances. With Wue, you can create contracts, offers and necessary documents for official applications with one click.

problem /

Growing the application without a sustainable architecture

Because of the high demand for Wue, the quantity of active users of the system and associated functionality has steadily increased. But frequent transformations of the industry and individual companies led to new requirements or frequently shifting conditions with a high emphasis on early software modifications, which led to a growing technology debt.

As a result of this problem, it has not been possible to guarantee a low error rate, the solution was not long-term sustainable, flexible enough and easy to extend.

solution /

The correct answers according to web and document data

To provide more effective sustainability, flexibility and extensibility of the system, its founders decided to create an entirely new version of Wue in partnership with Utima.

With the experience and expertise from the first release of the system, enhanced technical expertise and more advanced technologies, it was made possible to take the system to a whole new level in terms of architecture, functionality and design. The system takes the user through the entire order management process, starting with the creation of the customer and its installation site, through the submission of a bid, technical inspection or contract, to the execution of the order and related activities.

CRM is also able to:

  • Generate documents related to the deal and execution in a few clicks.
  • Smart creation of bid templates depending on available components
  • Automation of quotations and budgets for PV or heat pumps
  • PV visualization with Fohet solar configurator integration
  • Status management of customers and projects, setting roles and responsibilities
  • Monitoring of costs, profits and commissions of traders
  • Management of NWOsubsidy titles for B2B

Technologies used:

JavaScriptTypeScriptReactNext.jsShadcn/UITailwind UIWeb ComponentsNode.jsNest.jsMikroORMSwaggerPlaywrightJestPostgreSQLGoogle Cloud PlatformSentryJam.dev
major challenges /

A focus on analysis through specialisation

By nature of the project, this is highly specialised software. To deliver an impactful implementation, a significant emphasis on solution analysis was required. A lot of key user groups were only included during alpha testing, resulting in a large number of change requests prior to monetisation. We covered this issue in terms of cost by recommending and collaborating to obtain a Digital Enterprise grant from OP TAK.

During the course of the project, high demands were placed not only on the quality of the solution, but also on the timely delivery, as the possibility to use EU grant programs for ESG implementers is time-limited and at risk of not being available. To meet the expectations, we not only put great emphasis on a product lean attitude and boosting activities such as personal product workshops or technical hackathons, but we have also retrospectively and in an iterative way optimized the communication processes according to an agile approach.

results /

Easy expandability and scalability

Nowadays, the Wue system helps implementing companies to handle business and implementation processes in a modern way. Customer users achieve faster business results, helping the companies to improve performance and profitability.

The applications are also more stable, secure, faster and intuitive. Because of this, the solution is easy to manage and better prepared for long-term scaling. So with the Wue team, we intend to integrate the app into hundreds of implementation companies as well as other companies across the EU.

Next steps /

Are you looking for a way to incorporate your specialisation into the software?

Is your company representing top specialists in the field who would like to reflect their know-how in a SaaS product? We will be happy to discuss the details with you and possibly propose an ideal solution straight away.