/ Introduction /
At BOGI SPORTS, building trust through a personal approach is a priority, but increasing administration has hampered coaches. Registration, training organisation and performance assessment were fragmented into different systems, increasing time burden, reducing efficiency and affecting trust from parents.
Period of implementation: 2023-2024
Time requirement: 170 MD
Services provided
BOGI SPORT is only preparatory school for children aged 4-12 years, which is not tied to one sport. It guides children through different sports and helps them develop a wide range of skills. The sessions are run by a team of professional coaches who are specialists in their respective sports. Thanks to BOGI SPORT children not only discover different sports, but also gain a solid foundation for future development.
Despite the great access to children and sporting expertise leading to the meteoric growth of prep school sports, the time consuming administrative processes began to increase. Key issues included the ability to manage applications and training, organizing coaches and presenting statistical results to children to provide sufficient evidence of what sporting path a child might take after prep school.
These processes were handled through excel spreadsheets, paper reports, and a couple of separate systems that were not interconnected and did not reflect the bespoke requirements that needed to be taken into account in BOGI SPORT. As a result, coaches were increasingly having to deal with administration instead of spending their overall time on the coaching itself, which diminished their satisfaction and impaired their overall approach. This may also have led to a loss of trust on the part of parents.
We created a mobile app for Android and iOS platforms that allowed you to perform all of these activities in one place. In the system, BOGI SPORT management can manage training locations and trainers using CMS Strapi, the administrative web interface for the app. During the recruitment process, they can assign age groups for each location and allocate coaches to them. Then, through the mobile app, they provide a complete guide for application submission and management by parents.
The sports statistics are evaluated on a rolling basis through forms that were different for each sport activity. The system compared not only children within a given group and age category, but also within years a given child compared themselves to themselves.
Furthermore, the application allows:
Technologies used
The customer had no experience in software development or agile or lean approach, so we needed to act not only as a vendor but also as a consultant to avoid spending budget on activities and features that ultimately would not be appreciated by the end users.
Each sport required different attributes and ways of measuring a child's success, which presented a complex process for the overall evaluation of statistics. In order for a child to sign up for a specific training session, a large number of conditions had to be met; to this end, a CRON job was created to check in the background that everything was being completed.
Payment processes were different not only according to services such as training plan, special training or mass event, but also for different cities. In addition, the Pays payment gateway has some of the most favorable terms regarding fees, but in terms of developing such complex and changing payment terms in a production environment, it is a high maintenance payment gateway compared to e.g. Stripe.
The BOGI SPORT mobile app, available on the App Store and Google Play, is used by thousands of parents on a monthly basis. It has helped simplify and streamline communication between management, coaches, parents and children. It has simplified administration regarding all sports activities, coach management and financial processes.
This has enabled the children to share successes and setbacks with their parents. The parents have a complete overview of what is happening with their children within the sports, where the children tend to go and what activities they can also participate in. The coaches focus primarily on coaching and their specialty. The management of BOGI SPORT can more easily scale their business activities to new branches and abroad.
Do you feel that your business has many specific processes that cannot be easily addressed through existing applications on the market? Do you need to predict the future outcomes of these processes through AI? We'd be happy to discuss the details with you and possibly suggest an ideal solution straight away.